Jun 24, 2024

You Don't Need An Expensive PR Firm To Get Media

Hey there, business owners! Let's clear something up: you don’t need to drop a fortune on a PR firm to get media coverage. Sure, having one might help, but it's not the only way to get your story out there. Here’s what you really need:

1. A Great Story

First things first, you need a killer story. What makes your business stand out? Maybe it's your unique product, your journey, or how you’re making a difference in your community. Whatever it is, make sure it's interesting and newsworthy. Spend some time developing this narrative. Make it compelling, make it real.

2. Find the Right Journalist

Next, you’ve got to find the right person to tell your story. This takes time, so be patient. Research journalists who cover your industry or similar stories. Don’t just blast out emails to everyone—be strategic. Find the ones who will really get what you’re about.

3. Perseverance Pays Off

And here’s the big one: perseverance. The first journalist you pitch to might not bite. Neither might the second or the third. But keep at it. The tenth one might just love your story. Keep tweaking your pitch, learning from the feedback, and don’t give up.

Let's Break Down Those Gates

I’m on a mission to stop media gatekeeping. You don’t need a big-budget PR firm to get noticed. All you need is a great story, the right journalist, and a whole lot of perseverance. So, get out there and start sharing your story with the world!

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Your go to for all things media, public relations and crisis communications.

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